"A Computable and Compositional Behavioural Framework for Continuous and Hybrid Systems"

Relatore:  Pieter Collins - Department of Advanced Computing Sciences Maastricht University The Netherlands
  mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025 alle ore 16.30 Sala Verde (presenza ed on line)

For the verification of safety-critical complex cyber-physical systems, we need a framework which is:
 - Computable: the analysis can be performed on a digital computer and give rigorous results conforming to the mathematical semantics.
 - Compositional: components of the system can be independently analysed to show that  they conform to their own specification.
 - Behavioural: the analysis can be carried out at the level of the input-output behaviour, allowing for simplified concrete models to be used.
In this talk, I will present the computable, compositional and behavioural framework for hybrid systems developed in [*]. I will also discuss ongoing work on formalising the theory and rigorous numerical verification algorithms in the proof assistant Coq.

[*] Davide Bresolin, Pieter Collins, Luca Geretti, Roberto Segala, Tiziano Villa, and Sanja Zšivanovic Gonzalez. A computable and compositional semantics for hybrid systems. Information and Computation, 300:105189, 2024.

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Referente: Tiziano Villa




Titolo Formato  (Lingua, Dimensione, Data pubblicazione)
CV Pieter Collins  pdfpdf (it, 172 KB, 09/01/25)

Tiziano Villa

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
9 gennaio 2025

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