The Department of Computer Science offers degrees in various sub-areas, making special use of the academic knowledge possessed by its research staff thanks to the many research activities that take place in its laboratories. The learning and teaching activities provided by the Department cover a range of topics at different levels. This is made possible thanks to the scientific knowledge and competence acquired by the department’s researchers through a number of activities taking place in the laboratories.
- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (since 2001)
- Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics (since 2005)
- Bachelor's degree in Bioinformatics (since 2009)
- Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence
(since 2022)
- Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering with three pathways: Security of IT systems, Embedded Systems and Visual Computing (since 2002)
- Master's degree in Mathematics
with two pathways: Applied mathematics and Mathematics for Education (since 2009)
- Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics
(since 2016)
- Master's degree in Data Science
(since 2020)
Higher education
The Department of Computer Science offers PhD degree programmes aimed to provide students with a solid scientific and academic background, as well as a Short Masters programme in Computer Game Development, the latter intended to train highly-qualified professionals to be employed in companies active in this field.
- PhD in Computer Science
- PhD in Nanoscience and Advanced Technologies
- Interuniversity PhD in Mathematics