Data-driven Modelling and Reduction of Large-scale Systems [1 ECTS]

Relatore:  Dante Kalise - Imperial College London, UK
  lunedì 4 dicembre 2023 alle ore 14.30 (to be confirmed)

In the course students will explore cutting-edge techniques for efficient model reduction in simulation, optimization, and control of complex systems. Topics include advanced model reduction methods to simplify high-dimensional systems, data-driven optimization techniques, active subspaces for dimensionality reduction, and the application of Koopman operators to uncover hidden system dynamics.

By the course's end, participants will learn how to  simulate and optimize non-linear system, and gain valuable insights into large-scale systems using data-driven approaches, tackling some real-application.


Schedule of the minicourse:

- Tuesday, 5th December,   Aula Alfa  15:30 - 17:30   (Lesson 1)

- Wednesday, 6th December,   Aula L  11:30 - 13:00  (Lesson 2)

- Wednesday, 6th December,   Aula L  14:00 - 15:30  (Lesson 3)

- Thursday, 7th December, Sala Riunioni second floor  9:30-11:00 (Discussion).









Giacomo Albi

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
10 ottobre 2023

Offerta formativa
