Advanced Numerical Methods for the solution of Hyperbolic Equations and elements of parallel programming [2 ECTS]

Relatore:  Elena Gaburro - Inria center at the University of Bordeaux, France
  giovedì 19 ottobre 2023 alle ore 15.30

This advanced course on numerical methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) gives an overview of the most important numerical methods available for the solution of the hyperbolic PDEs arising in the field of fluid mechanics: from human and hearth-science problems up to the study of stars and galaxies!

The course covers Finite Volume methods, second order TVD methods, higher order ENO-WENO techniques, Lagrangian schemes, and the Discontinuous Galerkin approach, both in the simple one-dimensional case and on unstructured two-dimensional geometries. It is a major objective of the course to implement these algorithms in the form of computer programs written in MATLAB and/or Fortran to provide hands-on experience to all participants on the practical aspects of numerical methods, and modern working codes already suitable for research purposes. The course will also give an introduction to their parallel implementation using Fortran MPI and OpenMP.

The course is self-consistent and open to everyone with a scientific bachelor's degree. All lectures will be held in person and streamed on Zoom (zoom link available upon request).

Very important:
To attend the course it is necessary to bring your own laptop with MATLAB installed.



Gio 19/10 : 15:30- 18:30 Aula H
Ven 20/10 : 15:30- 18:30 Aula M
Lun 23/10 : 15:30- 18:30 Auletta Atrio CV1
Gio 26/10 : 15:30- 18:30 Aula H
Ven 27/10 : 15:30- 18:30 Aula M

Mauro Bonafini

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
4 ottobre 2023

Offerta formativa
