Thomas Brüstle
- Bishop's University and Université de Sherbrooke
mercoledì 31 maggio 2017
alle ore
Sala Riunione II piano - Rinfresco 16.15, inizio seminario 16.30.
The notion of (semi-)stability has been introduced in representation theory of quivers by Schofield and King, and it was formalised in the context of abelian categories by Rudakov. The concept has re-appeared in mathematical physics as scattering diagrams, and its corresponding wall and chamber structure is also studied in the work of Bridgeland.
We consider in this talk Rudakov’s stability functions on abelian length categories, and relate them to the language of torsion classes. Extending the notion of maximal green sequences to this setting, we characterize which stability functions induce a maximal green sequence.
This is a report on joint work with David Smith and Hipolito Treffinger.
Contact person: Lidia Angeleri
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- Data pubblicazione
18 aprile 2017