Gruppi di ricerca

Visione, Immagini, Pattern e Segnali (VIPS)


The Vision, Image Processing & Sound (VIPS) laboratory is active in research issues related to Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Sound Analysis & Processing, devoted to applications involving Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Multimedia aspects in general.

One of the VIPS current research interests comprises image analysis and understandingin the large. In this context, three-dimensional computer vision and Pattern Recognition are the main topics in which, specifically, recovering of 3D information from images, scene/object reconstruction from 3D data, and graphical models constitute the most significant activities. In particular, 3D image registration and fusion, mosaicing, view synthesis are all work in progress. Object recognition and scene reconstruction, also from multisensory data, are also issues VIPS is currently interested in.
In this area, we are particularly dealing with methodologies integrating Vision & Graphicsand related issues like image-based modeling, and layered representations. Further, more specific pattern recognition issues are addressed by investigating Hidden Markov Modelstargeted to vision and HCI applications, like image segmentation, shape analysis, and classification of human behavior.

Another main research topic is related to Vision & Sound. In this context, we are addressing augmented and virtual reality applications using visual and acoustic cues, and a project aimed at supporting the navigation of visually impaired people using vision-driven sound, i.e., sound guided by information extracted by the visual scene analysis.

The Sound group of VIPS works on sound analysis, sound synthesis and processing, with applications to human-computer interfaces. Sound synthesis by physical modeling, sound spatialization, digital audio effects and, more in general, sound and music computing are the specialties of the research group.

The VIPS research is mainly oriented towards real-world problems, but "visionary" applications are sometimes addressed too.
More technically, VIPS expertise spans on the general aspects of image and signal processing, computer vision and pattern recognition, and more specifically on stereo vision, tracking, and probabilistic techniques for image processing like Markov Random Fields, Bayesian networks, hidden Markov models, and neural networks. Underwater vision (acoustical and optical), data fusion and sensory integration with applications on object detection/recognition, sea floor classification, and bathymetry are also part of the laboratory experience.
Due to the many activities involved, also the number of addressed applications is large. Analysis of human behavior, augmented/virtual reality, integration of vision & sound and vision & graphics can be cast in the area of human-computer interaction. Industrial applications like robotics, videosurveillance, automation, visual inspection and quality control, entertainment, and autonomous driving are also tackled using the techniques studied in the VIPS lab.

Our lab is also deeply involved in industrial funded projects. Main sponsors are the European Commission (EC) and local companies. VIPS is involved in EC projects and industrial projects, together with some other funding coming from national governative institutions (Italian Space Agency, Ministry of Education, and so on). 

Teaching activities are also included in the lab activities. Together with periodic seminars held by students and researchers, the courses Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Sound Processing, and Human-Computer Interaction are currently held by the VIPS researchers and included in the Master degree in Computer Science at the University of Verona. Occasionally, the VIPS laboratory organizes conferences and workshops. For instance, on december 2000 the COST-G6 international conference on Digital Audio Effects was organised by the VIPS lab in Verona and sponsored by the European Commission.




Cigdem Beyan
Professore associato
Lorenza Brusini
Ricercatore a tempo determinato (Dipartimento Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione)
Silvia Francesca Storti
Professore associato (Dipartimento Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione)
Umberto Castellani
Professore ordinario
Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo
Ricercatore a tempo determinato (Dipartimento Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione)
Vittorio Murino
Professore ordinario
Andrea Giachetti
Professore ordinario (Dipartimento Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione)
Marco Cristani
Professore ordinario (Dipartimento Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione)
Argomento Area di ricerca
Antropometria e composizione corporea Anatomy & Morphology
Computational Geometry Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Computer forensics Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Ictus e malattie neurologiche Rehabilitation
Image processing and computer vision IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION
Image processing and computer vision Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Interazione in Realtà Virtuale Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Marketing agro-alimentare e vitivinicolo Marketing Marketing
Modellazione e misura di appearance di materiali Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Modellazione statistica di dati multimediali Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Neuroimaging Bioinformatica e informatica medica
Life and medical sciences
Neuroimaging Bioingegneria Bioingegneria
Neuroimaging Data Analysis Bioingegneria Bioingegneria
Sistemi agro-alimentari Economia agraria e delle risorse Agricultural and resource economics
Sistemi avanzati per il riconoscimento Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Sistemi avanzati per il riconoscimento Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Teorie e Tecniche del Riconoscimento Machine learning
Video Surveillance and Monitoring Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Video Surveillance and Monitoring Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Visione Computazionale Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Titolo Responsabili Fonte finanziamento Data inizio Durata (mesi) 
Analisi e classificazione di comportamenti sociali mediante modelli grafici probabilistici generativi (PRIN 2008) Vittorio Murino PRIN VALUTATO POSITIVAMENTE 27/01/2010 24
Brain connectivity underlying physiological and pathological patterns in action tremor Gloria Menegaz 01/08/2019 12
DSURF Andrea Giachetti 05/02/2017 36
EDIPO: A computational solution for bringing neuroimaging genetic into translational research Gloria Menegaz Fondazione Cariverona 01/04/2020 36
Hybrid Sustainable Worlds David Bolzonella, Andrea Giachetti 10/09/2020 27
Integrazione di funzioni vocali avanzate per l'interfaccia utente di applicazioni di centrale telefonica digitale Carlo Combi, Carlo Drioli 01/04/2010 12
Internationally Co-tutored PhD Program in Computer Science with specialization in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing Vittorio Murino Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca 01/01/2003 72
JP2018 - Profilazione di utenti da grandi quanitità di dati eterogenei mediante machine learning per l'innovazione digitale di enti fieristici Gloria Menegaz Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 01/09/2019 24
Mapping functional connectivity patterns in neurological and neurosurgical dis-eases with Arterial Spin Labeling and Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent MRI (VBRF) Gloria Menegaz 01/08/2016 12
Osservazione dei processi lavorativi, con garanzie oggettive di tutela della Privacy, per la prevenzione di Errori e situazioni di Rischio in maniera Automatica ai tempi di Industria 4.0 (OPERA 4.0) Davide Quaglia Fondazione Cariverona 01/01/2021 24
PRIN 2017 - Improving the customer experience in stores by intelligent computer vision (I-MALL) Marco Cristani MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 29/08/2019 36
Progetto di eccellenza: Informatica per Industria 4.0 Franco Fummi, Alessandro Farinelli MIUR 01/01/2018 60
Raccolta e integrazione di fonti eterogenee di dati e progettazione di una piat-taforma per la profilazione di eventi fieristici Gloria Menegaz 20/08/2018 12
Ricostruzione tridimensionale dalle immagini, visualizzazione e localizzazione nell'ambito del progetto VISIT (PRIN 2009) Andrea Fusiello PRIN VALUTATO POSITIVAMENTE 15/11/2011 24
SAMURAI - Suspicious and abnormal Behaviour monitoring using a network of cameras and sensor for situation awareness enhancement Vittorio Murino Unione Europea 01/06/2008 42
SIMBAD - Similarity-Based Pattern Analysis and Recognition Vittorio Murino Unione Europea 01/04/2008 36
Studio e sviluppo di metodi di addestramento non-supervisionato e auto-supervisionato, multimodale, e di adattamento al dominio e distillazione, per l’analisi del comportamento umano in applicazioni automotive Vittorio Murino eVS Embedded Vision Systems S.r.l. 14/09/2021 24
TRANSFER AND ADAPTIVE LEARNING IN IMPERFECT MULTIMODAL DATA SCENARIOS - TALIM Vittorio Murino MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 01/05/2024 18
Nome Descrizione
Laboratorio VIPS (Vision, Image Processing & Sound) The Vision, Image Processing & Sound (VIPS) laboratory is active in research issues related to Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Sound Analysis & Processing, devoted to applications involving Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Multimedia aspects in general.


