Gruppi di ricerca

Quantum Informatics Laboratory - QUILAB

Il gruppo di ricerca QUILAB comprende ricercatori di informatica e fisica che collaborano nello studio degli aspetti fondamentali dell'informatica quantistica e delle sue applicazioni nell’ambito dell'intelligenza artificiale.


Claudia Daffara
Professore associato
Andrea Masini
Professore ordinario
Francesca Monti
Professore associato
Alessandra Di Pierro
Professore associato
Massimiliano Incudini
Margherita Zorzi
Professore associato
Componenti esterni
Stefano Mancini
Universita' di Camerino
Argomento Area di ricerca
Computability Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Lambda Calculus Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Lambda Calculus Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
modal and temporal logics Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models for Quantum Computation Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Optical techniques for cultural heritage applications Fisica
Applied physics to cultural heritage
Probabilistic Analysis of Security Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security
proof theory, Linear logic, Type theory Algebra, Geometria e Logica Matematica
General logic
Quantum Computation Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Quantum computation theory Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Quantum Computing Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Optimization Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Theory and algorithms for application domains
Semantics of Probabilistic Languages Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Semantics and reasoning
Spatial light modulators Fisica
Spettroscopia, micro-spettroscopia e imaging nel vicino e medio infrarosso. Fisica
Infrared spectroscopy
Static Analysis Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Semantics and reasoning
Teoria della dimostrazione e teoria dei tipi Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Formal languages and automata theory
Nome Descrizione
Laboratorio SPY (Metodi Formali)

The SPY (Static Program analysis by Abstract Interpretation) lab is devoted to the design and development of automatic tools
based on formal methods and abstract interpretation theory for program analysis, automatic program certification, system testing,
and security analysis of software. We are particularly interested in the application of these techniques to aid in the compilation and
implementation of programming languages. The access to the lab is restricted to the students in Master and PhD thesis and to the
Faculty staff of the Department of Computer Science in Verona. The following is a list of topics which are studied in this Lab:
Semantics and abstract interpretation theory, Semantics based program analysis, Security analysis, Program and system certification,
Model checking and program verification, Programming environments, Domain specific languages and tools.

Laboratorio OPDATE OpDATe Lab (Optical Devices and Advanced Techniques)


