The course introduces the main mathematical techniques developed in
the area of "formal semantics of programming languages":
* type systems
* operational semantics
* domain theory
* denotational semantics
1. operational semantics
1.1 definition of a simple imperative language
1.2 evaluation rules
2. induction
2.1 mathematical induction
2.2 structural induction
2.3 well founded induction
3. denotational semantics of a simple imperative language
3.1 a compositional semantics
3.2 the case of while-free programs
3.3 the treatment of the while
4. introduction to domain theory
4.1 complete partial orders
4.2 continuity
4.3 the Knaster-Tarski theorem
4.4 constructions on domains:
products of domains; function domains; flat domains
5.1 Terms and types
5.2 Free variables, bound variables and substitution
5.3 Typing
5.4 Evaluation (operational semantics)
6 Denotational Semantics of PCF
6.1 Denotation of types
6.2 Denotation of terms
6.3 Compositionality
6.4 Soundness
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