Stereolithographic 3D printing: technology, materials, design issues, research opportunities

Relatore:  Maurizio Costabeber - DWS Systems
  giovedì 29 aprile 2021 alle ore 14.00 Online via Zoom
ICE lab and the Master’s degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and
Smart Industry are focused on enabling technologies of Industry 4.0. The goal
is to give advanced training to the students and to create fruitful synergies with
local companies. Near Verona there are excellent industries working on
advanced technologies for capture and reproduction of 3D shapes. They will
present their technologies in two dedicated seminars. We invite students of the
Master’s degree in Robotics and Smart Industry as well as undergraduate
students to attend the seminars that will be held online:

Meeting ID: 839 2249 9740 Passcode: 250685

Contact Person: A. Giachetti
Titolo Formato  (Lingua, Dimensione, Data pubblicazione)
Locandina  pdfpdf (it, 103 KB, 16/04/21)


Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
16 aprile 2021

Offerta formativa
