Andrea Acquaviva
- University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" - Italy
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
5:00 PM
inizio alle17:30. Te', caffe', biscotti alle 17:00
The problem of energy management in embedded systems has been deeply investigated in the last decade. However, the evolution of technology creates new challenges and opportunities that are shifting the energy management paradigm. In this seminar I will present my research activity about energy management in networked embedded systems. This activity mainly covers two areas: energy and thermal control in multicore Systems on Chip (SoCs) and energy awareness in wireless sensor networks. I will first give an overview of both, then I will focus on specific open research problems that I'm currently addressing.
- Place
Ca' Vignal - Piramide,
Floor 0,
Hall Verde
- Programme Director
External reference
- Publication date
December 4, 2006