LVS & Condor: Load Balancing of a virtual system

Relatore:  Enrico Biolo, Cristiano Meda - Università di Verona
  martedì 17 ottobre 2006 alle ore 15.00 AULA I
The Linux Virtual Server (LVS) and the Condor system are advanced load balancing solutions that can be used to build highly scalable and highly available network services. They provide mechanisms and policies that support High Throughput Computing (HTC) on large collections of distributively owned computing resources.
In this seminar, LVS and Condor are presented and compared. Experimental results computed on the Linux Slackware 10.2 operating system running on a VMware workstation for the virtualization of several machines (clients, gateway and real servers) will be analyzed. Practice guidelines about how to configure these virtual machines with a Linux NFS will be provided too.

Graziano Pravadelli

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
5 ottobre 2006

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