A Quest to Secure Standard and Proprietary Wireless Protocols

Relatore:  Daniele Antonioli - Assistant Professor at EUROCOM Sophia-Antipolis, France
  lunedì 22 luglio 2024 alle ore 9.30 Sala Verde (solo presenza)
 In this talk we will explore recent research on real world wireless security protocols. We will cover standard protocols such as Bluetooth pairing and session establishment and proprietary ones such as IoT application layer protocols used to secure traffic between companion mobile applications and electric scooters and fitness trackers.
Daniele Antonioli is an Assistant Professor at EURECOM with the software and system security (S3) group. He does research and teaching in applied system security and privacy with an emphasis on wireless communication, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, embedded systems, such as cars and fitness trackers, mobile systems such as smartphones, and cyber-physical systems such as industrial control systems. Daniele holds a PhD in Computer Science from SUTD (Singapore) and a MS and BS in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Unibo (Italy). For more information visit: https://francozappa.github.io/
Referente: Massimo Merro

Massimo Merro

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
27 giugno 2024

Offerta formativa
