SW Containerization for Mobile Robots: a Multilevel Toolchain

Speaker:  Nicola Bombieri - Università di Verona - Dip. Informatica
  Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Programming modern Robots’ missions and behavior has become a very challenging task. The always increasing level of autonomy of such platforms requires the integration of multi-domain software applications to implement artificial intelligence, cognition, and human-robot/robot-robot interaction applications. In addition, to satisfy both functional and non-functional requirements such as real-time, reliability, and energy efficiency, robotic SW applications have to be properly developed to take advantage of heterogeneous (Edge-Fog-Cloud) architectures. In this context, containerization and orchestration are becoming a standard practice as they allow for better information flow among different network levels as well as increased modularity in the use of software components. Nevertheless, the adoption of such a practice along the design flow, from simulation to the deployment of complex robotic applications by addressing the de-facto development standards (i.e., robotic operating system - ROS - compliancy for robotic applications) is still an open problem. This workshop deals with a design methodology based on Docker and Kubernetes that enables containerization and orchestration of ROS-based robotic SW applications for heterogeneous and hierarchical HW architectures. The design methodology targets (i) integration and verification of multi-domain components since early in the design flow, (ii) task-to-container mapping techniques to guarantee minimum overhead in terms of performance and memory footprint, and (iii) multi-domain verification of functional and non-functional constraints before deployment. We present the preliminary results obtained in a real case of study, in which a preliminary design methodology has been applied to program the mission of a Robotnik RB-Kairos mobile robot in an industrial agile production chain.

Link alla registrazione del workshop:

Programme Director
Franco Fummi

External reference
Publication date
May 27, 2021

