Relightable Images

Speaker:  Federico Ponchio - ISTI/CNR Pisa
  Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 11:00 AM Aula I
An RTI (Reflection Trasformation Imaging) image consists in a per-pixel function which encodes the reflection behavior, estimated from a set of digital photographs acquired from a fixed view.
This function has been approximated with polinomial or spheric harmonics basis for real-time rendering, or alternatively interpolated
using radial basis functions (RBF) for higher accuracy. In this seminar we show how Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the
amazing power of the distributive property of multiplication  allows us to build better basis, work with different interpolation methods
and pay no price.

Contact person: Andrea Giachetti

Programme Director

External reference
Publication date
April 23, 2018

