Formality of P-objects

Formality of P-objects
Relatore:  Andreas Hochenegger - Università di Milano
  giovedì 18 maggio 2017 alle ore 15.00 Sala Riunioni II floor
An Calabi-Yau-object in a k-linear triangulated category is called a P-object, if its derived endomorphism ring is isomorphic to k[t]/t^n. They were first studied by Daniel Huybrechts and Richard Thomas as generalisations of spherical objects.
Similar to the spherical case, P-objects induce autoequivalences which are called P-twists. Recently, Ed Segal showed how an arbitrary autoequivalence can be written as a spherical functor. For a P-twist, he needs the assumption that the endomorphism ring of the P-object is formal. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of formality and present a proof of the formality of P-objects. This is based on a joint work in progress with Andreas Krug.

David Pauksztello

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Data pubblicazione
28 aprile 2017

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