Tweet generating with Recurrent Neural Networks in urban and rural area

Speaker:  András Mihálykó - master degree in mathematics
  Friday, February 3, 2017 at 9:15 AM aula M
Can we distinguish among tweets, if they came from a metropolitan or a micropolitan areas of the USA? If yes, could we also see the difference, on "sample" tweets, generated by Artificial Neural Networks?
Last year I worked on the first question, and we found we can surprisingly well differentiate just based on the words used, where do the tweets come from.
Now I work on the second half of the problem. I train long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNN) on tweets from urban and rural areas, and investigate the difference between the generated tweets with the same seed. Here I will present some results on this project

Programme Director

External reference
Publication date
January 31, 2017

