On the broad integrability of a dynamical system

Speaker:  Nicola Sansonetto - Università di Verona
  Monday, January 9, 2017 at 2:30 PM
A (differential) dynamical system is given by a vector field on a manifold. One important topic in the study of dynamical systems concerns the possible integrability of the system. 
There are various notions of integrability of a vector field, in this seminar we will illustrate the extension of the classical Hamiltonian notion of complete integrability (or quasi-periodicity of the dynamics on tori) outside the Hamiltonian framework, called broad-integrability. Starting from a ODE in normal form we will construct a criteria which guarantees the broad integrability of a dynamical system and we will show some basic examples give.

Place: Room M

Programme Director
Antonio Marigonda

External reference
Publication date
January 6, 2017

