Pattern Formation on Growing Domains: Alligators and Snakes

Speaker:  C. Mattina, F. Montanari, M. Venturini - Master Degree in Mathematics - Verona
  Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 12:30 PM Aula M
Abstract: In the first part of our presentation we focus on alligators: we concentrate, only theoretically, on the incubation temperature of eggs during gestation, which is crucial in determining the alligators sex and the number of stripes on their skin. Moreover we want to analyse the growth of their teeth and since we want to examine the causes which bring to their formation, we construct a reaction-diffusion model where we consider tha jaw as our growing domain. In the second part we want to talk about snakes and examine the different skin patterns: also in this case our domain, which here refers to the skin, grows during the patterning process. The mechanism which is responsible of the pigmentation of the skin is the Cell-Chemotaxis model: we analyse it in the general case and also in absence of mitosis.

Programme Director
Giandomenico Orlandi

External reference
Publication date
December 14, 2016

