An Introduction to Orthogonal Arrays and their Connections with Codes.

An Introduction to Orthogonal Arrays and their Connections with Codes.
Relatore:  Tommaso Traetta - Ryerson University (Canada)
  lunedì 3 aprile 2017 Minicorso da 12 ore
Orthogonal arrays are essential in Statistics where they are primarily used in designing experiments, with applications in many different fields such as medicine, agriculture and manufacturing.

This introduction to orthogonal arrays will provide some answers to two of the fundamental questions:
When does an orthogonal array exist and how can we construct them?

To answer these questions we will highlight the connections with other combinatorial objects such as codes, difference matrices and latin squares.

Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
30 settembre 2016

Offerta formativa
