Tradeoff between Performance and Security

Speaker:  Alessandro Aldini - Universita' di Urbino "Carlo Bo"
  Monday, September 19, 2011 at 4:15 PM 16:15 rinfresco; ore 16:30 inizio seminario

The design of modern software systems requires trading security
aspects with the expected performance.
Since most of the commonly used techniques carry out separately
dependability analysis and performance evaluation,the study of the
tradeoff between these aspects becomes hard to accomplish.
In this talk we present a component-oriented methodology that
can be used at the architectural design level for predicting the qualitative
and quantitative impact of individual components on system security and
performance.The methodology encompasses classical tools such as the behavioral
equivalences approach to noninterference analysisand standard performance
evaluation techniques.

Ca' Vignal - Piramide, Floor 0, Hall Verde

Programme Director
Alessandra Di Pierro

External reference
Publication date
September 10, 2011

