All forthcoming seminars - Mathematical methods for applied sciences (seminar course) - (2016/2017)

Date Seminar Seminar series
1/16/16 Understanding Ebola virus disease in West Africa: epidemiological investigation and mathematical modeling
Timetable: h 14:00  Sala verde | Speaker: Dr. Stefano Merler, FBK - (Trento)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
10/17/16 Reaction-Diffusion Equations Arising in the Mathematical Modelling of Population Dynamics - first part
Timetable: starting date | Speaker: Tommaso Lorenzi (University St. Andrews (Scotland))
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
11/18/16 Practical Deep Learning
Timetable: h 14:30 | Speaker: Alex Honchar
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
11/18/16 Electromagnetic wave equation: discretization with Whitney finite elements.
Timetable: h 10:30 | Speaker: Chiara Venturini (Università di Verona)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
12/20/16 Pattern Formation on Growing Domains: Alligators and Snakes
Timetable: h 12:30  Aula M | Speaker: C. Mattina, F. Montanari, M. Venturini (Master Degree in Mathematics - Verona)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
12/22/16 Cardiovascular Mathematics: from the proof of concept to the clinical practice
Timetable: h 11:00  Rinfresco 10.45, inizio seminario 11.00 | Speaker: Alessandro Veneziani (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
- Seminari del Dipartimento di Informatica
1/11/17 Tumour invasion in brain: mathematical models and numerical results
Timetable: h 10:30  aula AKPP-equations as mathematical models to study the motility of gliomas in b | Speaker: M. Avesani, G. Fiandaca, S. Pagliarini, C. Venturini (Master degree in Mathematics - Verona)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
1/16/17 Understanding Ebola virus disease in West Africa: epidemiological investigation and mathematical modeling
Timetable: h 14:00  Sala verde | Speaker: Dr. Stefano Merler, FBK (Trento)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
- Seminari del Dipartimento di Informatica
1/17/17 Some continuous models for single and interacting populations
Timetable: h 09:30  laboratorio GAMMA | Speaker: Mirko Drazic, Ana Pavlovic (Master degree in Mathematics)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
1/23/17 Understanding Ebola virus disease in West Africa: epidemiological investigation and mathematical modeling
Timetable: h 14:00  NB: AULA G | Speaker: Stefano Merler (FBK Trento)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
- Seminari del Dipartimento di Informatica
2/3/17 Tweet generating with Recurrent Neural Networks in urban and rural area
Timetable: h 09:15  aula M | Speaker: András Mihálykó (master degree in mathematics)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
2/17/17 Modeling epidemic diffusion: a stochastic approach
Timetable: h 09:30  laboratorio ALFA | Speaker: N. Gugole, M. Turra (Master degree in Mathematics)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
2/17/17 A Wavelet-TV approach to super resolution of MRI data.
Timetable: h 10:30  laboratorio ALFA | Speaker: Matteo Frigo (EPFL & Master degree in Mathematics Verona)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
2/17/17 Epidermal Wound Healing: A Mathematical Approach
Timetable: h 11:00  laboratorio Alfa | Speaker: M. Ginesi (Master degree in Mathematics)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
3/2/17 Growth and Control of Brain Tumours
Timetable: h 09:00  aula M | Speaker: G. Negrelli, C. Langella (Master degree in Mathematics Verona)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
3/31/17 Vascular Modeling ToolKit: a tool for patient specific image processing, geometrical modeling, meshing and computations.
Timetable: h 11:30  sala Verde | Speaker: L. Antiga (Orobix srl, Bergamo)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
4/21/17 An advanced example of computer aided clinical trial: the iCardioCloud Project
Timetable: h 11:30  sala Verde | Speaker: Ferdinando Auricchio (Università di Pavia)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
5/15/17 Geometrical classification of aortic arches and its impact in clinics
Timetable: h 11:30  aula Verde | Speaker: M. Marrocco Trischitta (IRCCS San Donato Milanese)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
5/17/17 Neuro-cardiovascular data assimilation from Magnetic Resonance
Timetable: h 10:30  sala Verde o aula M (!) | Speaker: Giuseppe K. Ricciardi (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
5/22/17 Reduced models for the Cardiovascular System, 1D models, 0D models
Timetable: h 11:30  sala Verde - second lecture aula M | Speaker: Eleuterio Toro (Università di Trento)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
5/23/17 Reactive Discrete Equation method for industrial explosive hazard
Timetable: h 15:30  aula G, starting date | Speaker: Alberto Beccantini (CEA (Commissariat Energie Atomique) Saclay (France))
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
5/29/17 Software infrastructures for in silico Clinical Trials
Timetable: h 13:30  aula Verde | Speaker: Luca Emili (Promeditec - InSilico Trials LLC, Milano)
Mathematics mini courses 2016-17
Tot 22 Seminars

