Nel primo semestre dell'a.a. 2024/25 il ricevimento si tiene mercoledì dalle ore 17.30. Luogo del ricevimento: lo studio del docente (Ca' Vignal 2, 2.12).
È gradita la prenotazione o mediante mail o (preferito) di persona dopo lezione in aula.
Il ricevimento dell'15 gennaio è rimandato al giorno successivo, 16 gennaio, dalle ore 16.30.
In the first semester of 2024-25 office hours are held on Wednesday from 17.30. Venue of office hours: the docent's office (Ca' Vignal 2, 2.12).
Booking is appreciated either by email or else (preferred) in person after lectures in the lecture hall.
The office hours of 15th January are postponed to the following day, 16th January, from 16:30.
La ricerca di Schuster riguarda la teoria della dimostrazione e la matematica costruttiva. Negli ultimi anni si è occupato principalmente della realizzazione parziale del programma di Hilbert nella matematica astratta, specie del contenuto computazionale delle dimostrazione classiche con metodi transfiniti. Schuster ha pubblicato sia in saggi ed atti di convegno (fra cui 6 CiE, 2 CSL, 2 LICS, 1 MFPS, 1 WoLLIC) che in riviste scientifiche di logica, algebra, matematica pura ed informatica teorica, fra cui Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Indagationes Mathematicae, Information and Computation, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Logic Journal of the IGPL e Journal of Logic and Computation. È stato uno degli organizzatori del 2018 Hausdorff Trimester Program “Types, Sets and Constructions”, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn. Ha partecipato anche come coordinatore in vari progetti di ricerca europei (FP7) ed internazionali.
Modules running in the period selected: 34.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Hilbert's Programme for Abstract Mathematics | Extracting the computational content of classical proofs in conceptual mathematics. Particular attention is paid to invocations of logical completeness in mathematical form, typically as variants of Zorn's Lemma. |
Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Mathematical logic and foundations |
Proof theory and constructive mathematics | Proof theory at large studies mathematical proofs, which thus become themselves objects of mathematics. In a nutshell, the goal is to understand "what can be proved with what" and to gain computational information from proofs. Constructive mathematics aims at direct proofs from which one can read off algorithms; any such algorithm comes with a certificate of correctness for free, which just is the original proof. |
Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Mathematical logic and foundations |
Title | Starting date |
Reducing complexity in algebra, logic, combinatorics (REDCOM) | 1/1/20 |
A new dawn of Intuitionism: mathematical and philosophical advances | 12/1/17 |
CATLOC - Categorical localisation: methods and foundations | 3/1/17 |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Faculty Board of Interuniversity PhD in Mathematics - Department Computer Science |
member | Collegio didattico di Matematica e Data Science - Department Computer Science |
member | Computer Science Department Council - Department Computer Science |
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