La ricerca di Roberto Segala è incentrata sullo studio di modelli di calcolo nondeterministici,
stocastici, ibridi e real-time per l'analisi di sistemi concorrenti e distribuiti. Le applicazioni
variano dall'analisi degli algoritmi distribuiti alla base del cloud computing, all'analisi della
sicurezza di veicoli senza conducente, all'analisi della correttezza di protocolli basati su
crittografia. Tra i modelli che Roberto Segala ha contribuito a definire vi sono i Probabilistic
Automata e gli Hybrid I/O Automata.
Modules running in the period selected: 65.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.
Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:
Topic | Description | Research area |
Formal methods and theory of security | Development of formal, and possibly automated, methods for the analysis of the security of software systems |
Formal methods and theory of security |
Models for hybrid systems | Study of models for the representation of concurrent systems exhibiting discrete and continuous behaviors. Use of models for the analysis of distributed control systems. |
Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Models of computation |
Concurrent stochastic models | Study of concurrency models that include stochastic behaviors. Use of such models for the analysis of distributed systems and protocols that employ cryptographic primitives. |
Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Models of computation |
Probabilistic Analysis of Security | Static analysis of approximate security properties via Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation |
Formal methods and theory of security |
Office | Collegial Body |
member | Computer Science Teaching Committee - Department Computer Science |
member | Computer Science Department Council - Department Computer Science |
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