Healthcare information systems (2014/2015)

Course not running

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Course code
Name of lecturer
Carlo Combi
Carlo Combi
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
I sem. dal Oct 1, 2014 al Jan 30, 2015.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The effective and efficient use of information systems in health care organizations and services are a vital element of the quality of life world wide. The modeling of time has attracted interest from a number of research communities, each addressing aspects from its specific sphere of interests. The database systems community is interested in how to store, maintain, and query time-oriented data. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) community is interested in formal theories of time, temporal logics, temporal constraints and temporal reasoning techniques. The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM) community is interested in the broader issues. The course will deal with the main topics related to Medical Information Systems, such as medical databases and decision-support systems, with an emphasis on the management of temporal clinical information. A further part of the course will focus on issues related to the introduction of Information Technologies within Healthcare organizations.


The course "Information Systems in Medicine", with an emphasis on time-related issues, introduces the engineering of information systems for medically-related problems and applications. The course is organized into four parts; fundamentals, temporal reasoning & maintenance in medicine, time in clinical task, and the display of time-oriented clinical information. A further part deals with the organizational issues of healthcare systems.

1 The role of Time in Medicine

Part I Fundamentals

2 Temporal Modeling and Temporal Reasoning

3 Temporal Databases and Data warehouses

Part II Temporal Reasoning and Maintenance in Medicine

4 Temporal Clinical Databases and Data Warehouse/OLAP systems

5 Abstraction of Time-Oriented Clinical Data

Part III Time in Clinical Tasks

6 Time in Clinical Diagnosis

7 Automated Support to Clinical Guidelines and Care Plans with workflow technology applications

Part IV The Display of Time-Oriented Clinical Information

8 Displaying Time-Oriented Clinical Data and Knowledge

Part V - HealthCare Organizations and Health Technology Assessment

9 The evolution of organizational theories: healthcare systems

10 Healthcare Organizations and healthcare process management

11 Health Technology Assessment: Technology and organization

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
C. Combi, E. Keravnou-Papailiou, Y. Shahar Temporal Information Systems in Medicine (Edizione 1) Springer 2010 978-1-4419-6542-4

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral Examination at the end of the course.
