Databases for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics (2014/2015)

Course not running

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Course code
Barbara Oliboni
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff Timetable
teoria 5 I sem. Barbara Oliboni
esercitazioni 1 I sem. Barbara Oliboni

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The main aim of this course is introducing the students to manage biomedical and bioinformatics databases.
In particular, the management of semistructured data will be considered, with particular attention to the related information retrieval techniques.


- The eXtensible Markup Lamguage (XML)

- Biomedical databases
-- Clinical data repository design
-- Electronic medical record
-- Health information systems
--- Interoperability standards and medical classifications

- Bioinformatic databases
-- XML and BIO
-- Semistructured data management
-- Information retrieval techniques

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test with exercises and questions.

Reference books
Activity Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
teoria R. Maceratini, F. L. Ricci Il medico on-line. Manuale di Informatica Medica. Verduci Editore 2000 88-7620-575-6
teoria Robert R. Korfhage Information Storage and Retrieval Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  
teoria A. Moller, M. Schwartzbach Introduzione a XML Pearson - Addison Wesley 2007 9788871923734