Research groups

ForMe - Formal Methods for the Design of Engineering Systems

Tiziano Villa
Professore onorario
Paolo Fiorini
Teaching Assistant (Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine)
Romeo Rizzi
Full Professor
Riccardo Muradore
Associate Professor (Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine)
Luca Geretti
Temporary Assistant Professor
Roberto Segala
Full Professor
Davide Quaglia
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
Combinatorial Algorithms and algorithmic graph theory Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Computer science
Formal methods and theory of security Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security
Discrete mathematics in relation to computer science Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Computer science
Modelli per sistemi ibridi Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Modelli stocastici concorrenti Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Operations research and management science Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Operations research, mathematical programming
Polytopes and Polihedra Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Polytopes and polyhedra
Probabilistic Analysis of Security Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security
Design and analysis of algorithms for graphs Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Design and analysis of algorithms
Mathematical programming Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Operations research, mathematical programming
Operations research Bioinformatica e informatica medica
Operations research
AI, Robotics & Automatic Control Sistemi robotici e automazione Sistemi robotici e automazione
Graph Theory Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Graph theory
Theory of computing Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Computer science


Research facilities
