Next Seminars | |||
Date | Time | Title | Supervisor |
Seminars which have already taken place | |||
Date | Time | Title | Supervisor |
6/19/17 | 4:00 PM | Introduction to Topos Theory | Iosif Petrakis - Universität München, Germania |
6/1/17 | 11:30 AM Sala Riunioni II floor | Finitistic dimensions for commutative noetherian rings | Dolors Herbera - Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona |
5/29/17 | 11:30 AM | Monte Carlo and other Numerical Methods of Finance in Energy Markets | Ware |
5/29/17 | 1:30 PM aula Verde | Software infrastructures for in silico Clinical Trials | Luca Emili - Promeditec - InSilico Trials LLC, Milano |
5/24/17 | 1:30 PM Starting date | Reachability Analysis for nonlinear Hybrid Systems | Luca Geretti - Università di Verona |
5/23/17 | 3:30 PM aula G, starting date | Reactive Discrete Equation method for industrial explosive hazard | Alberto Beccantini - CEA (Commissariat Energie Atomique) Saclay (France) |
5/22/17 | 11:30 AM sala Verde - second lecture aula M | Reduced models for the Cardiovascular System, 1D models, 0D models | Eleuterio Toro - Università di Trento |
5/22/17 | 12:30 PM | Numerical Methods for SDE, Monte Carlo in Finance, and Applications | Davison |
5/17/17 | 10:30 AM sala Verde o aula M (!) | Neuro-cardiovascular data assimilation from Magnetic Resonance | Giuseppe K. Ricciardi - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata |
5/15/17 | 11:30 AM aula Verde | Geometrical classification of aortic arches and its impact in clinics | M. Marrocco Trischitta - IRCCS San Donato Milanese |
5/8/17 | Flows on (signed) graphs and networks | Prof. Eckhard Steffen - Paderborn University (Germany) | |
5/2/17 | Optimization problems in Liner Shipping | David Pisinger - Technical University of Denmark | |
4/26/17 | Splitting methods for PDEs | Prof. Alexander Ostermann - Innsbruck | |
4/21/17 | 11:30 AM sala Verde | An advanced example of computer aided clinical trial: the iCardioCloud Project | Ferdinando Auricchio - Università di Pavia |
4/11/17 | 8:30 AM Mini corso che proseguirà con altre lezioni | Introduction to Game Theory and Applications | M.I.Krastanov - University of Sofia and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
4/11/17 | 4:30 PM Aula C | Casimir preserving discretization of incompressible Euler equations on S^2 | Milo Viviani - Chalmers University of Technology - Goteborg |
4/10/17 | Optimal stopping with applications to finance | Campi Luciano - London School of Economics and Political Sciences | |
4/4/17 | 11:30 AM Ca' Vignal 1, aula A | Modelling Stochastic Gene Expression | Sandro Azaele - University of Leeds |
4/3/17 | Spectral methods for PDE's | S.M. Kaber - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris | |
4/3/17 | An Introduction to Orthogonal Arrays and their Connections with Codes. | Tommaso Traetta - Ryerson University (Canada) | |
3/31/17 | 11:30 AM sala Verde | Vascular Modeling ToolKit: a tool for patient specific image processing, geometrical modeling, meshing and computations. | L. Antiga - Orobix srl, Bergamo |
3/30/17 | 11:30 AM aula M - beginning of the first course | Introduction to mean-field games | Diogo Gomes - KAUST (Saudi Arabia) |
3/24/17 | 12:30 PM aula H | topics in applied optimization | Edouard Oudet - Université Grenoble Alpes |
3/21/17 | 2:30 PM | Real markets, microstructure, clusters and Hawkes with a Branching process point of view | Prof. Simone Mattia Scotti - PMA, Université Paris Diderot |
3/13/17 | Introduction to Stochastic Partial Diverential Equations | Adrian Zalinescu | |
3/7/17 | 1:30 PM Sala Riunioni II floor | Cohen-Macaulay modules over Gorenstein local rings | Ryo Takahashi - University of Nagoya |
3/6/17 | Mathematical Modeling for the Circulatory System: Models, Equations, Applications | A. Veneziani, L. Antiga, G.K. Ricciardi, F. Auricchio, M. Marrocco-Trischitta, E. Toro, L. Emili | |
3/2/17 | 9:00 AM aula M | Growth and Control of Brain Tumours | G. Negrelli, C. Langella - Master degree in Mathematics Verona |
2/17/17 | 9:30 AM laboratorio ALFA | Modeling epidemic diffusion: a stochastic approach | N. Gugole, M. Turra - Master degree in Mathematics |
2/17/17 | 10:30 AM laboratorio ALFA | A Wavelet-TV approach to super resolution of MRI data. | Matteo Frigo - EPFL & Master degree in Mathematics Verona |
2/17/17 | 11:00 AM laboratorio Alfa | Epidermal Wound Healing: A Mathematical Approach | M. Ginesi - Master degree in Mathematics |
2/3/17 | 9:15 AM aula M | Tweet generating with Recurrent Neural Networks in urban and rural area | András Mihálykó - master degree in mathematics |
1/23/17 | 2:00 PM NB: AULA G | Understanding Ebola virus disease in West Africa: epidemiological investigation and mathematical modeling | Stefano Merler - FBK Trento |
1/17/17 | 9:30 AM laboratorio GAMMA | Some continuous models for single and interacting populations | Mirko Drazic, Ana Pavlovic - Master degree in Mathematics |
1/16/17 | 2:00 PM Sala verde | Understanding Ebola virus disease in West Africa: epidemiological investigation and mathematical modeling | Dr. Stefano Merler, FBK - Trento |
1/11/17 | 10:30 AM aula AKPP-equations as mathematical models to study the motility of gliomas in b | Tumour invasion in brain: mathematical models and numerical results | M. Avesani, G. Fiandaca, S. Pagliarini, C. Venturini - Master degree in Mathematics - Verona |
1/9/17 | 2:30 PM | On the broad integrability of a dynamical system | Nicola Sansonetto - Università di Verona |
12/22/16 | 11:00 AM Rinfresco 10.45, inizio seminario 11.00 | Cardiovascular Mathematics: from the proof of concept to the clinical practice | Alessandro Veneziani - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA |
12/20/16 | 12:30 PM Aula M | Pattern Formation on Growing Domains: Alligators and Snakes | C. Mattina, F. Montanari, M. Venturini - Master Degree in Mathematics - Verona |
12/16/16 | 10:30 AM | Decoding neuronal spike train signals: from point processes to age structured PDE's | Valentina Mazzi - University of Verona |
12/7/16 | 11:30 AM | Controllability properties of dynamical systems with hysteresis | Marta Zoppello - Università di Trento |
11/24/16 | 1:30 PM | Time-optimal Control Problems in the Space of Measures | Giulia Cavagnari - Università di Trento |
11/18/16 | 10:30 AM | Electromagnetic wave equation: discretization with Whitney finite elements. | Chiara Venturini - Università di Verona |
11/18/16 | 2:30 PM | Practical Deep Learning | Alex Honchar |
11/7/16 | Representation Theory of finite dimensional algebras - Exercise classes | Jorge Vitória - City University London | |
11/4/16 | 11:30 AM | Marine Bacteriophage Dynamics and Evolution Models | Silvia Pagliarini - Verona and IDIBAPS, Barcelona |
11/3/16 | 12:30 PM Sala Verde - Rinfresco 12.15, inizio seminario 12.30. | The Multi-Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints and Unitary Demands: A Branch-and-Price Approach | Renata Mansini - Università di Brescia |
10/17/16 | Reaction-Diffusion Equations Arising in the Mathematical Modelling of Population Dynamics - first part | Tommaso Lorenzi - University St. Andrews (Scotland) | |
10/14/16 | 11:00 AM Rinfresco 10.45, inizio seminario 11.00 | A Spectral Perspective on Shapes | Ron Kimmel - Technion, Haifa, Israele |
1/16/16 | 2:00 PM Sala verde | Understanding Ebola virus disease in West Africa: epidemiological investigation and mathematical modeling | Dr. Stefano Merler, FBK - - Trento |
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