First lecture in Numerical Modelling and Optimization

First lecture in Numerical Modelling and Optimization

Dear students,

  the first lecture of  Numerical Modelling & Optimization  (Prof. Albi & Prof. Sansonetto) will be on March 14, at 8:40 in Laboratorio Ciberfisico second floor Ca' Vignal 2

The course is devoted to modern theory of dynamical systems, optimal control and numerical methods. In the spirit of ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), students will learn how to write a mathematical model of a real problem, to recognise the effective parameters and analyse the model and its possible implications. Particular attention will be given to numerical solution of control problems, code development,  and optimization methods. At the end of the course  students are expected to be able to complete professional and technical tasks of a high level in the context of mathematical modelling and computation, both working alone and in groups.

We invite interested students to subscribe to the e-learning page at the following link:

Best regards,

Giacomo Albi & Nicola Sansonetto




Publication date
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - 11:09:09 AM
Last Modified
Thursday, March 3, 2022- 12:05:12 AM
First lecture in Numerical Modelling and Optimization
Published by
Giacomo Albi
Numerical modelling and optimization - NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (2020/2021)
Master's degree in Mathematics