PDE Exam - February session

PDE Exam - February session

Students that plan to give the exam of PDE in the forthcoming session of February 2021 are kindly requested to send a message to prof. Marigonda BEFORE 1st Feb with three proposal for the date of the oral (strictly in the month of February), and to enlist on ESSE3 for the exam (a date was written but it is not mandatory).

WARNING: This session is the LAST ONE in which the exam will concern the program followed on 2019/2020. Starting from the next session, there will be another teacher with another program.

If you already passed the exam on PDE or if you do not want to try it in the session of February, please ignore this message.

Best regards,
Data pubblicazione
martedì 26 gennaio 2021 - 9.02.20
PDE Exam - February session
Pubblicato da
Antonio Marigonda
Laurea magistrale in Mathematics