Start of the academic year 2020/21

Start of the academic year 2020/21

Dear students of the degree courses in Matematica Applicata and Mathematics,

at the start of this new academic year, we look forward to return as soon as possible to normal university life, always in compliance with the rules and procedures that guarantee personal and collective safety, according to the University guidelines.
We believe that the interaction between students and teachers and the active participation in all academic activities is an essential part of the educational and cultural path that our degree courses aim to offer.
To this end, we have worked to deliver as many as possible in-class lessons (obviously, also remotely delivered) in classrooms suitable for hosting all the students of each cohort. In this regard, we invite you to periodically check the timetables of the degree courses in

Matematica Applicata



still under small refinements.
Also, we are still working to ensure laboratory activities, tutoring, office hours, and adequate study spaces. While aware of the doubts and uncertainties that the current situation can generate, we count on your cooperation and invite you to participate serenely in the activities proposed in the presence and to exploit anyway, all the opportunities to meet, even from a distance, us teachers.
Finally, we invite you to periodically check the provisions of the University

and assume responsible behavior, inside and outside the University, starting from the correct use of masks, of sanitizers and the Immuni App.
Do not hesitate to contact the program directors of the degree courses, prof. Mazzuoccolo ( for Matematica Applicata) and prof. Mantese ( for Mathematics), to dissolve doubts or asking for clarification.

Happy academic year 2020/21,

The teachers and the student secretariat of the degree courses in Matematica Applicata and Mathematics

Publication date
Thursday, September 10, 2020 - 9:56:37 AM
Last Modified
Monday, September 28, 2020- 4:19:09 PM
Start of the academic year 2020/21
Published by
Marco Caliari
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics
Master's degree in Mathematics