Bioinformatics and medical informatics

The research areas of bioinformatics and medical informatics are essential for improving our understanding of living systems and enhancing healthcare delivery. Bioinformatics provides the tools and methodologies to decode and analyze biological information, enabling us to comprehend the complexity of living organisms. This involves the analysis of omics data (genome, proteome, transcriptome, and metabolome), generated by cutting-edge technologies such as spatial transcriptomics and single-cell sequencing, along with the definition and analysis of biological networks, and the development of efficient algorithms and data structures to process the vast amounts of biological sequence data being produced today. Medical informatics leverages technology to improve health outcomes and patient care by enhancing clinical support and healthcare delivery. Our goal is to develop new theories, algorithms, data structures, artificial intelligence models, and tools to address the ongoing innovations in these fields. By expanding the boundaries of efficient methodologies in bioinformatics and medical informatics, we contribute to the continuous evolution of personalized medicine, improve public health strategies, and ensure the efficient management and analysis of healthcare information systems. The main research areas include: Evolutionary biology Multimodal data integration Natural computing Omics analysis Personal genome analysis Dedicated data structures and algorithms Informatics for biomedical imaging Clinical decision support systems Models and management of clinical processes and guidelines
Manuele Bicego
Associate Professor
Umberto Castellani
Full Professor
Ferdinando Cicalese
Full Professor
Carlo Combi
Full Professor
Alessandro Daducci
Associate Professor
Giuditta Franco
Associate Professor
Rosalba Giugno
Full Professor
Zsuzsanna Liptak
Associate Professor
Vincenzo Manca
Professore onorario
Barbara Oliboni
Associate Professor
Romeo Rizzi
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Life and medical sciences standard compliant  ACM 2012
Algorithms for Bioinformatics Ferdinando Cicalese
Our research focuses on design of algorithms for the management and analysis of large scale biological data (e.g. -omics data of different types). Our research is driven by the idea that modern data sciences can contribute significantly to address important questions in life sciences. Algorithms from the fields of search theory (group testing), active learning, and data mining (particularly in sequences and networks), as well as, information theoretic approaches based on entropic analysis, can be used to support the causal understanding, diagnosis and prognosis of complex diseases.
Algorithmic bioinformatics Zsuzsanna Liptak
We develop algorithms for discrete problems arising from computational biology, among these: algorithms for mass spectrometry data interpretation, clustering of transcriptomic data, non-alignment based sequence comparison.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Manuele Bicego
Design and testing of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning techniques for the analysis and understanding of biological data. In particular the main focus in on designing solutions for the analysis of "counting data" - namely data which express the level of presence of entities (e.g. gene expression data, or proteomics data) - using probabilistic graphical models like topic models. The main goal is to devise highly interpretable solutions, being interpretability of methods and solutions the most stringent need in nowadays bioinformatics research.
Bioinformatics and Natural Computing Giuditta Franco
Rosalba Giugno
Vincenzo Manca
Our research is mainly focused on the following topics: 1) Discrete and algorithmic analyses of biological dynamics (metabolism and replication, and their interplay in cellular processes); 2) Informational and computational analysis of genomes (genomic dictionaries, genomic indexes, genomic distributions of specific parameters, genome representations, genome synthesis and reconstruction from dictionaries). In these research areas, theories and algorithms are investigated and software packages are developed for computational experiments and analyses.
Biological network dynamics Giuditta Franco
Design and analysis of data-driven computational models, for both metabolic and immunological dynamics, based on grammars ruled by state functions. Biological network dynamical properties are investigated in terms of discrete mathematics and model simulation. Membrane and metabolic computing for biological modeling. Genetic network investigation based on computational genomics studies.
Computational genomics and DNA computing Giuditta Franco
Investigation and classification of genomic sequences by means of information theory based methods. Design and analysis of both bio-inspired and molecular algorithms, along with their lab implementation.
Neuroimaging Umberto Castellani
Alessandro Daducci
The main activity is in the field of neuroimaging, including structural (diffusion MRI) and functional (EEG, fNIRS, functional MRI) imaging as well as perceptual analysis through cognitive science methods. The goal is to gain an holistic view of human brain when inspected in specific conditions by the integration of multi-modal multi-scale probing and modeling. In addition, advanced computer vision and pattern recognition methods are employed for designing numerical biomarkers for the characterization of healthy and pathological conditions.
Health Information Systems Carlo Combi
Barbara Oliboni
Main research interests to the management of clinical information in medical records and to the management of clinical processes/guidelines. More precisely main topics are: - temporal information systems in medicine; - temporal workflow systems in medicine and healthcare: modeling issues and architectures; - temporal and multimedia clinical databases; - temporal data warehouses and temporal data mining for health/clinical knowledge discovery; - visualizing temporal and multimedia clinical data; - Web-based access to clinical information.
Systems Biology, Computational Network Biology Rosalba Giugno
Design of algorithms and methods to understand biological systems using data mining and bioinformatics techniques. The focus is on biological network modeling, perturbation and analysis; classification of phenotypes by coding and non-coding expression profiles; drug synergy and mechanism of action by drug target/off-target/combination prediction.
Operations research standard compliant  ACM 2012
Operations research Romeo Rizzi
Operations research is a discipline that deals with the application of advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. The terms management science and decision science are sometimes used as more modern-sounding synonyms. Employing techniques from other mathematical sciences, such as mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and mathematical optimization, operations research arrives at optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex decision-making problems. Operations Research is often concerned with determining the maximum (of profit, performance, or yield) or minimum (of loss, risk, or cost) of some real-world objective. Originating in military efforts before World War II, its techniques have grown to concern problems in a variety of industries. Besides its applications in industry and in management, Operations Research is at the very junction of mathematics and economics. Operations research embodies lots of deep results and theory but, at the same time, it is the archetype of applied mathematics. In Verona, we draw applications of the tools and methodologies of operations research to computational biology. More generally, we actively work in combinatorial optimization and contribute to algorithmic graph theory. We also apply and express methods and competencies of mathematical programming. In mathematics, statistics, empirical sciences, computer science, or management science, mathematical optimization (alternatively, mathematical programming) is the selection of a best element (with regard to some criteria) from some set of available alternatives. Here, optimization includes finding "best available" values of some objective function given a defined domain, including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains. Optimization theory, techniques, and algorithms, comprises a large area of applied mathematics. Among the many sectors of mathematical programming, some of those represented in Verona are the following: linear programming, integer linear programming, combinatorial optimization, multiobjective optimization.
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
Algoritmi Il gruppo persegue lo studio degli aspetti strutturali di problemi fondamentali in informatica e dei loro modelli. Lo scopo è porre le basi per la progettazione di algoritmi protocolli e sistemi migliori e comprenderne i limiti computazionali. Aree specifiche di interesse includono: progettazione di algoritimi, strutture dati, algoritmi su stringhe, complessità, ottimizzazione combinatoriale, codici e teoria dell’informazione, machine learning. I problemi investigati hanno forti connessioni con le aree della bioinformatica, delle reti di comunicazione, della ricerca operativa e dell’intelligenza artificiale.
Algoritmi in Bioinformatica e Calcolo Naturale Applicazione di metodi teorici e di analisi dati per modellare l’informazione sottostante ai processi biologici: algoritmi su grafi e stringhe per la biologia dei sistemi; strutture dati avanzate per sequenze di dati; misure di distanza tra sequenze biologiche; calcolo naturale (biotecnologico, e a membrane), riconoscimento di pattern, e apprendimento automatico da dati biomedicali.
Basi di dati e Sistemi Informativi Questo gruppo di ricercatori si occupa di varie tematiche nell'ambito dei sistemi informativi
Big Data, Data Science e Process Mining Questo gruppo di ricerca si occupa di Big Data, Data Science e Process Mining
Biomedical Imaging Tecniche di Imaging sperimentali e traslazionali principalmente sulle tecniche di Imaging a Risonanza Magnetica e Imaging Ottico
ForME - Metodi Formali per la Progettazione di Sistemi Ingegneristici Obiettivo del gruppo di ricerca è applicare metodi formali alla modellazione, verifica e sintesi di sistemi ingegneristici. I domini spaziano dai sistemi temporizzati per andare fino ai sistemi ciberfisici non lineari.
INdAM - Unità di Ricerca dell'Università di Verona Raccogliamo qui le attività scientifiche dell'Unità di Ricerca dell'Istituto Nazionale di alta Matematica INdAM presso l'Università di Verona
InfOmics La nostra ricerca mira ad analizzare i dati biomedici in modo efficiente, in particolare sviluppiamo nuovi metodi per estrarre reti biologiche, integrare dati eterogenei, analizzare omici, ricostruire pangenomi, analizzare genomi consapevoli dell'aplotipo e classificare i pazienti. Utilizziamo la teoria derivante dall'apprendimento automatico, dalla scienza dei dati, dalla matematica e dalla teoria dei grafi.
Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) Il gruppo svolge ricerche in Intelligenza Artificiale: Ragionamento Automatico, Algoritmi di Ricerca, Rappresentazione della Conoscenza, Apprendimento Automatico, Sistemi Multi-Agenti e applicazioni.
NeST Progettazione e verifica delle tecnologie di comunicazione in grado di portare efficienza e sostenibilità in applicazioni chiave come industria, agricoltura, domotica, trasporti e gestione del territorio.
Visione, Immagini, Pattern e Segnali (VIPS) Le attività del gruppo VIPS sono rivolte all’analisi, al riconoscimento, alla modellazione e alla predizione di pattern e segnali multidimensionali e multimediali mediante metodi di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico. Le competenze specifiche e i domini applicativi riguardano: elaborazione delle immagini, visione artificiale, riconoscimento di pattern, interazione uomo-macchina, grafica al calcolatore e modellazione digitale, realtà virtuale e mista, gaming e all’analisi e modellazione di dati in ambito biomedicale e delle neuroscienze a fini di ricerca di base e traslazionale.
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
VVV - Voglio Vedere Verde: virtual simulation of natural ecosystems to express, share and communicate the need for greenery in the environment Davide Quaglia Fondazione Cariverona 12/28/23 24
PRIN 2022 - Functionally and Anatomically Informed Tractography of the Human brain (FAITH) Alessandro Daducci MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 10/18/23 24
PRIN 2022 - Urban Greening for Pervasive and Resilient Proximity Davide Quaglia MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 10/18/23 24
Valutazione del danno microstrutturale del fascio corticospinale e correlazione con marcatori clinici e molecolari: uno studio di profilometria in RM per identificare potenziali biomarcatori di malattia in pazienti affetti da atassia spastica autosomica recessiva di Charlevoix-Saguenay" Alessandro Daducci Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” 2/15/23 7
A platform for the development of Artificial Intelligence applications based on Intelligent Video Analysis for commercial catering activities with table service Rosalba Giugno Digital Restaurant Srl 10/1/20 12
EDIPO: A computational solution for bringing neuroimaging genetic into translational research Gloria Menegaz Fondazione Cariverona 4/1/20 36
ADAIR - From air pollution to brain pollution - novel biomarkers to unravel the link of air pollution and Alzheimer's disease Rosalba Giugno UE - Unione Europea 1/1/20 36
Genomics and matagenomics in agro-industrial research Rosalba Giugno Microbion s.r.l. 4/16/19 3
GNCS Young Researcher Funding 2018/2019: "Heterogeneous systems for inter- and intra-chromosomal connectivity measures." Vincenzo Bonnici INdAM 10/12/18 12
INFO-BACT-MAR: Development of a computational platform for the traceability of microorganisms in agro-food processes using patented HPME markers. Rosalba Giugno FSE: European Social Fund - Regional Operative Program 2014/2020 9/1/18 13
Genomics and matagenomics in agro-industrial research Rosalba Giugno Microbion s.r.l. 8/29/18 1
DCE-MRI IN EXPERIMENTAL MODELS OF NORMAL AND METASTATIC LYMPH NODES Pasquina Marzola Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 5/1/18 12
Metodologie Statistiche Bayesiane per le Scienze Cognitive e la Neuropsicologia Michele Scandola 3/3/18 60
"Efficient production of cis-genic grapevines with increased resistance against the downy mildew pathogen Plasmopara viticola" Annalisa Polverari Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 2/1/18 24
vEyes Wear: open hardware and software wearable platform Damiano Carra 1/15/18 12
Active Malware Analysis based on Reinforcement Learning techniques Alessandro Farinelli Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/18 12
Security Static Analysis for Android Things Massimo Merro Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 1/1/18 24
Measuring the economic impact of cultural events: Tocatì – International Festival of Street Games Fabio Cassia 1/1/18 24
Development of NGS methodology for the determination of viral genome mutations related to antiviral resistance Davide Gibellini 1/1/18 24
An IoT-based virtual coaching platform for assisting daily life activities of ageing persons with Down syndrome Graziano Pravadelli 1/1/18 24
Connections. Design of multi-situated model of host, care and support for asylum seekers Rosanna Cima 12/1/17 12
Transient protein-nanoparticle interactions: insights into molecular recognition from optimized NMR spectroscopy analysis Michael Assfalg Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 11/27/17 12
Computaitonal analysis of genomic diseases Vincenzo Manca, Rosalba Giugno Ricerca di base finanziata dall'Università degli Studi di Verona 10/1/17 13
Minimality and linguistic variation Birgit Alber 10/1/17 24
What is public happiness? Hannah Arendt and the invention of a concept Olivia Guaraldo 9/1/17 24
PREDYCOS: Personalized REsponsive Dynamic COmplex System Rosalba Giugno Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 7/10/17 24
The Archive of the Psychiatric Hospital San Giacomo alla Tomba: a heritage to discover Marina Garbellotti Ricerca di base 2015 - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 7/1/17 24
Extending OLAP data analysis with temporal and statistical operators Carlo Combi 6/1/17 24
I-PLANTS: studenti in cammino nel verde 2.0 Davide Quaglia 6/1/17 12
Developing a computational platform for analysis of genomes subjected to chromothripsis phenomena Vincenzo Manca 6/1/17 24
Identificazione di nuovi biomarcatori molecolari da esosomi urinari per la caratterizzazione dell’ipertensione arteriosa a bassa renina. Francesca Pizzolo 5/1/17 24
Codificatore Automatico in MedDRA Ugo Moretti 4/3/17 24
SGGS Theorem Proving: Algorithms and Implementation Maria Paola Bonacina 3/23/17 24
In silico and in vitro characterization of the orphan G protein coupled receptor 3 (GPR3) Alejandro Giorgetti 3/1/17 24
Beyond the conflict of private vs public ownership: the role of cooperatives in the water sector Andrea Guerrini 3/1/17 12
Basic science can help to “cure” – not just “to control” – epilepsy: the role of neurovascular unit in epileptogenesis Paolo Fabene 3/1/17 24
MOdulaTion Of peripersonal Space Valentina Moro 3/1/17 24
Beyond the Bag of Words paradigm: a structural and statistical perspective Manuele Bicego 3/1/17 24
Rigenerazione urbana e creazione sociale. Abitanti e istituzioni che partecipano e apprendono Antonietta De Vita 3/1/17 12
Ceramiche della Magna Grecia. Alle origini della dieta mediterranea. Patrizia Basso 2/15/17 24
Automatic Removal of false alarms by Code translation Roberto Giacobazzi 2/13/17 24
New Technologies and the fight against (cyber) terrorism and hate speech in the European perspective Roberto Flor 2/1/17 24
New Materials for Nanothermometry Adolfo Speghini 2/1/17 24
Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase deficiency is strictly connected to pyridoxine-related seizures: a biochemical approach to gain insight into inherited neurotransmitters disorders. Mariarita Bertoldi 1/15/17 12
Rituali antichi: un approccio multidisciplinare. Attilio Mastrocinque 1/15/17 24
Identification of the paracrine MoleculAr Networks linking Obesity and pancreatic cancEr progression Davide Melisi 1/1/17 12
Preclinical study on the effects on the immune system of the ablative techniques (Irreversible Electroporation and Radiofrequency Ablation) in pancreatic cancer" Claudio Bassi 1/1/17 24
Molecular mechanisms of the photoprotective function in higher plants Luca Dall'Osto 1/1/17 12
High performing computational models for biomedical information extraction and integration Rosalba Giugno GNCS National Group for Scientific Computation INDAM 1/1/17 12
Cross-race accuracy bias in lie detection Elena Trifiletti 11/1/16 24
From the Carolingian scriptorium to Dante’s Library Paolo Pellegrini 11/1/16 24
Sinica Mediaevalia Europaea. China in European sources of the Middles Ages (1200-1582): census and study Chiara Maria Concina 11/1/16 24
Comprehensive analysis of Attentional Mechanisms for Perception Leonardo Chelazzi 10/1/16 24
Looking for a biological role of fruit serotonin in the model species Solanum lycopersicum Flavia Guzzo 10/1/16 24
Reconsolidation of appetitive memory and sleep: functional connectomics and plasticity Cristiano Chiamulera 10/1/16 24
Semi-synthesis and structural studies of ubiquitinated Tau Mariapina D'Onofrio 10/1/16 24
Understanding the molecular basis of Usher syndrome type 1J: the role of functional defects in CIB2 Daniele Dell'Orco 9/1/16 24
Learning to ignore – New adaptive features of selective atention Chiara Della Libera 9/1/16 24
InfoGenAgriFood: a bioinformatics integrated platform for the genomics of agricolture food production. Vincenzo Manca, Rosalba Giugno FSE: European Social Fund - Regional Operative Program 2014/2020 9/1/16 13
Potential antitumoral role of “slan dendritic cells (slanDCs)” in lymphoma patients. Marco Antonio Cassatella 8/1/16 12
Brain microstructural modeling for improved TMS anchoring - Joint Projects 2015 Gloria Menegaz EB Neuro SpA 7/1/16 24
Integrating national and international spontaneous adverse drug reaction knowledge bases for pattern discovery in pharmacovigilance. Carlo Combi GNCS National Group for Scientific Computation INDAM 1/1/16 12
Fusione e quality assesment di immagini da TC volumetrica "cone beam" Gloria Menegaz QR s.r.l. 7/1/13 12
Is epileptic encephalophathy a general diagnostic category? Assessing neuropsycology and behaviour in children with sever Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (Dravet syndrome) Mario Pezzotti, Bernardo Dalla Bernardina Fondazione Pierfranco e Luisa Mariani 1/1/08 24
DNA Computing e modelli di interazione intracellulare Vincenzo Manca Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca 5/10/02 24


Research facilities
