
The Department’s research focuses on designing, analyzing, verifying, and testing software and systems to address critical cybersecurity and privacy challenges faced by industry, society, and individuals in a technology-driven world. The research is both theoretical and applied, covering areas such as digital identity management, access control, web and mobile app privacy, GDPR compliance, cyber security risk assessment, black-box penetration testing, vulnerability detection, malware detection, obfuscation, and watermarking techniques for software protection, attack and defense tools for ICS, formal security analysis of ICS systems, formal models for automatic security properties and security protocols verification. The research is applied to various domains, including blockchain, cyber-physical systems, cloud systems, web and mobile apps, and the Internet of Things.
Mariano Ceccato
Associate Professor
Matteo Cristani
Associate Professor
Mila Dalla Preda
Associate Professor
Alessandra Di Pierro
Associate Professor
Roberto Giacobazzi
Full Professor
Isabella Mastroeni
Associate Professor
Massimo Merro
Full Professor
Federica Maria Francesca Paci
Associate Professor
Roberto Segala
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Formal methods and theory of security standard compliant  ACM 2012
Formal methods and theory of security Matteo Cristani
Roberto Segala
Development of formal, and possibly automated, methods for the analysis of the security of software systems
Formal methods for security analysis of cyber-physical systems Massimo Merro
Development of formal, and possibly automated, methods for the security analysis of cyber-physical systems and IoT systems
Probabilistic Analysis of Security Alessandra Di Pierro
Roberto Segala
Static analysis of approximate security properties via Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation
Code protection Mariano Ceccato
Mila Dalla Preda
Roberto Giacobazzi
Isabella Mastroeni
Development of formal techniques and tools for the protection of software.
Network security standard compliant  ACM 2012
Network security Matteo Cristani
Development of techniques and tools for the security of computer networks
Software and application security standard compliant  ACM 2012
Formal software and application security Mila Dalla Preda
Roberto Giacobazzi
Isabella Mastroeni
Development of models and analyses, based on abstract interpretation, for the security application verification and for security properties enforcement.
Software and application security Federica Maria Francesca Paci
Development of security methodologies and technologies for the security of software systems and Internet applications
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
ForME - Metodi Formali per la Progettazione di Sistemi Ingegneristici Obiettivo del gruppo di ricerca è applicare metodi formali alla modellazione, verifica e sintesi di sistemi ingegneristici. I domini spaziano dai sistemi temporizzati per andare fino ai sistemi ciberfisici non lineari.
Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) Il gruppo svolge ricerche in Intelligenza Artificiale: Ragionamento Automatico, Algoritmi di Ricerca, Rappresentazione della Conoscenza, Apprendimento Automatico, Sistemi Multi-Agenti e applicazioni.
K.Re.Art.I. Rappresentazione della conoscenza tramite tecniche di IJntelligenza Artificiale
Logica Logica in matematica ed informatica.
Quantum Informatics Laboratory - QUILAB Laboratorio di Informatica Quantistica
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
In search of evidence of stealth cyber threats - COVERT Mila Dalla Preda MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 6/1/24 18
Novel Methodologies and Tools for Next Generation Cyber Ranges - NOMEN Massimo Merro Università degli Studi di Genova 5/21/24 18
Valorizzazione attività di ricerca Matteo Cristani DIGITRONICA.IT SRL 11/8/23 2
PRIN 2022 - Smartitude: Automated Testing and Security Assessment of Smart Contracts Mariano Ceccato MUR - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca 9/28/23 24
Organisation of informative events for the small and medium enterprises of the Veneto region and production of digital contents. Mariano Ceccato UNIONE REGIONALE DELLE CAMERE DI COMMERCIO INDUSTRIA ARTIGIANATO E AGRICOLTURA DEL VENETO 9/1/23 3
Software as an asset Matteo Cristani Veronesi Holding s.p.a. 7/6/23 4
Automated Testing of REST APIs Mariano Ceccato Muscope Cybersecurity S.r.l. 5/29/23 12
Studio di metodologie per lo sviluppo di strumenti e infrastrutture di trading meccanico Roberto Segala Investivity SA 5/2/23 36
Machine Learning for automated testing of REST APIs Mariano Ceccato Equixely s.r.l. 1/18/23 3
Requirement elicitation for an environmental engineering software framework for modelling the physical processes that control natural water cycle Mariano Ceccato MobyGIS Srl 7/21/22 3
Sviluppo di un motore semantico per l’analisi di descrizioni brevi di prodotti negli ordinativi Matteo Cristani IUNGO s.p.a. 6/8/22 3
Analisi generale del sistema informativo aziendale Matteo Cristani VENETO AGRICOLTURA - AGENZIA VENETA PER L’INNOVAZIONE NEL SETTORE PRIMARIO 12/20/21 20
BinTrace: Binary Similarity Analysis based on Execution Traces Mila Dalla Preda RELATECH SPA 10/1/20 12
Software Watermarking Mila Dalla Preda Danieli Automation s.p.a. 6/10/20 14
Computer Engineering for Industry 4.0 Franco Fummi, Alessandro Farinelli MIUR 1/1/18 60
Big-code early threat detection by approximate similarity analysis Mila Dalla Preda Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 3/1/17 24
Abstract Interpretation of COBOL Isabella Mastroeni Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 3/1/17 24
Abstract interpretation based analysis of Scripting Languages - Joint Projects 2014 Isabella Mastroeni Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 12/1/14 24
Interpretation-based design and measurement of code-protecting transformations Roberto Giacobazzi Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento 11/1/14 24
Static analysis methods for the static derivation Roberto Giacobazzi Julia s.r.l. 6/5/13 16
Theorem proving algorithms for program analysis: interpolants, models, and termination (PRIN 2012 non finanziato) Maria Paola Bonacina 2/18/13 36
Security Horizons Luca Vigano' MIUR 2/1/13 36


Research facilities
