Bachelor's degree in Bioinformatics (until 2008-2009)

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

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I semestre from 10/4/10 to 1/31/11
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C/G Molecular biology Stefano Capaldi
C Bio-information technology workshop II Alejandro Giorgetti
C Molecular biology laboratory Stefano Capaldi (Coordinator)
B Systems and Signals for Bio-Informatics Paolo Fiorini (Coordinator)

II semestre from 3/1/11 to 6/15/11
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B System Architecture for Biotechnology Davide Quaglia (Coordinator)
B Image Processing Gloria Menegaz (Coordinator)
B Grafica per bioinformatica Andrea Fusiello (Coordinator)
B Software Engineering Luca Vigano' (Coordinator)
B Discrete Biological Models Giuditta Franco (Coordinator)
B/G Information recovering Manuele Bicego (Coordinator)
B Riconoscimento e classificazione per la bioinformatica Manuele Bicego (Coordinator)

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C Elements of general physiology not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
