Degree in Applied Mathematics (until a.y. 2008/2009)

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

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List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Algebra not yet allocated
B Mathematical analysis 2 not yet allocated
B Numerical Analysis not yet allocated
C Physics 2 not yet allocated
B Basis of mathematics 2 not yet allocated
B Geometry not yet allocated
C Mathematics for Economic-Financial Decisions not yet allocated
C Microeconomics not yet allocated
C Mathematical models in biology not yet allocated
A/B Probability and Statistics not yet allocated
B Dynamical Systems not yet allocated
F Other activities not yet allocated
C Fluid dynamics not yet allocated
C Econophysics not yet allocated
C Financial econometrics not yet allocated
C Macroeconomics not yet allocated
C Mathematics for Risk Management not yet allocated
C Financial Market Mathematics not yet allocated
B Numerical methods for differential equations not yet allocated
C Optimization not yet allocated
C Economic Policy not yet allocated
E Final exam not yet allocated
C Operations Research not yet allocated
B Stochastic systems not yet allocated

Further didactic activities
