Bachelor's degree in Bioinformatics (until 2008-2009)

Course modules

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Zero period (only for 1st year of 3-year degree courses) from 9/18/06 to 10/9/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A/B Informational Methods Vincenzo Manca (Coordinator)

1st quadrimester (only for 1st year of 3-year degree courses) from 10/23/06 to 12/1/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Linear Algebra Francesca Mantese
A Mathematical analysis 1 Giandomenico Orlandi
A/B Informational Methods Vincenzo Manca (Coordinator)
B Computer programming applied to bio-information technology Federico Fontana (Coordinator)

2nd quadrimester from 1/8/07 to 3/9/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Mathematical analysis 1 Giandomenico Orlandi
C Basis of general chemistry Marco Giovanni Bettinelli
A/S Physics Gino Mariotto
B Computer programming applied to bio-information technology Federico Fontana (Coordinator)

3rd quadrimester from 4/2/07 to 6/8/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
C General Biology Roberto Bassi
C Organic and biological molecules chemistry Michael Assfalg
B Introduction to computer architecture Franco Fummi
A/S Physics Gino Mariotto

Further didactic activities
