Community Engagement

Community Engagement

The university’s third mission - social involvement and services for the community

Industry connections play an important role in the Department of Computer Science’s outlook. The Department even invests some of its own funds to develop the infrastructures necessary to house departmental research laboratories and spin-off initiatives. The Department of Computer Science created the University of Verona’s very first spin-off company and has created six more since then. In 2014, the Computer Science Park opened with the aim of encouraging technological transfer in all fields of ICT.

Many companies turn to the Department of Computer Science to develop research projects (more than 250 so far) in collaboration with the Computer Science Park.
The Department is also an approved AICA test centre and offers services for obtaining the main European computer science certifications (ECDL, ECDL Advanced, EUCIP/ITAF and EQDL)
A Computer Science Museum was created and is regularly updated, allowing students and visitors insight into the history of computer science. The museum offers guided visits that can be flexible in both duration and content (addressing mathematics, electronics and physics),