Margherita Zorzi

Margherita Zorzi,  November 3, 2021
Associate Professor
Academic sector
MATH-01/A - Mathematical Logic
Research sector (ERC-2024)
PE1_1 - Logic and foundations

PE1_17 - Mathematical aspects of computer science

Research sector (ERC)

PE6_4 - Theoretical computer science, formal methods, and quantum computing

Ca' Vignal 2,  Floor 1,  Room 80
+39 045 802 7045
margherita|zorzi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Personal web page

Office Hours

Tuesday, Hours 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM,   Ca' Vignal 2, Floor 1, room 80

Dal 1/6/24 al 30/9/24 da concordare via email almeno tre giorni prima.

Per le persone lavoratrici: mandare una email per concordare eventuali orari alternativi. Il ricevimento si svolge solo in presenza con le eccezioni specificate nelle pagine Moodle dei vari insegnamenti. 



Principali interessi di ricerca: 

- Teoria della Dimostrazione;
- Modelli per la descrizione della computazione quantistica;

- Lambda calcolo per le computazioni classiche, probabilistiche e non deterministiche.


Modules running in the period selected: 32.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Mathematics Advanced course in foundations of mathematics (2024/2025)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Algebra and Foundations of Mathematics [Matricole dispari] (2024/2025)   6   
Master's degree in Artificial intelligence Logic in AI (2024/2025)   6   
Master's degree in Mathematics Advanced course in foundations of mathematics (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
PhD in Computer Science Foundations of quantum languages (2023/2024)   3  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Logic [Matricole dispari] (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Artificial intelligence Logic in AI (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Mathematics Advanced course in foundations of mathematics (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Logic [Matricole dispari] (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Mathematics and statistics (2022/2023)   12  eLearning (Matematica Mod. 1)
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Linear Algebra (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Mathematics Mathematical logic (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology Mathematics and statistics (2021/2022)   12  eLearning (Matematica Mod. 1)
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism Informatics and multimedia production (m) (2020/2021)   12  eLearning II MODULO PARTE (P)
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism Informatics and multimedia production (m) (2019/2020)   12  eLearning II MODULO PARTE (P)
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2018/2019)   6   
Master’s degree in Publishing and Journalism Informatics and multimedia production (m) (2018/2019)   12  eLearning II MODULO PARTE (P)
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2017/2018)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2016/2017)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2014/2015)   6   
TFA A042 Computer science (secondary school) Sistemi informativi e sicurezza (2014/2015)   6    FONDAMENTI
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2013/2014)   6   
Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering Algorithms (2010/2011)   12    COMPLESSITÀ
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Basic Information Technology SC (i) (2010/2011)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Documental Information Technology (i) (2010/2011)   6   
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies Basic Information Technology SC (i) (2009/2010)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Viticultural and Oenological Science and Technology Computer science and statistics (2009/2010)   6    INFORMATICA
Degree in Communication Science: publishing and journalism Documental Information Technology (p) (2009/2010)   6   

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Logica in matematica ed informatica.
The Quantum Informatics Laboratory - QUILAB
The Quantum Informatics Laboratory
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Computability Quantum and probabilistic computability. Implicit Complexity Theory. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Models of computation
Computability Quantum and probabilistic computability. Implicit Complexity Theory. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
Models of computation
Computability Quantum and probabilistic computability. Implicit Complexity Theory. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Models of computation
Lambda Calculus Quantum and Probabilistic lambda calculi. Lambda calculus for Continuation Passing Style. Computational interpretation of modal proofs. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Lambda Calculus Quantum and Probabilistic lambda calculi. Lambda calculus for Continuation Passing Style. Computational interpretation of modal proofs. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
Lambda Calculus Quantum and Probabilistic lambda calculi. Lambda calculus for Continuation Passing Style. Computational interpretation of modal proofs. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Lambda Calculus Study of extended versions of the typed lambda calculus, in particular of probabilistic typing systems and their expressivity. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Models of computation
Lambda Calculus Study of extended versions of the typed lambda calculus, in particular of probabilistic typing systems and their expressivity. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
Models of computation
Lambda Calculus Study of extended versions of the typed lambda calculus, in particular of probabilistic typing systems and their expressivity. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Models of computation
modal and temporal logics Proof theoretical analysis of modal and temporal logics. Modal and temporal logics for security. Distribute logics. Branching a linear temporal logics. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
modal and temporal logics Proof theoretical analysis of modal and temporal logics. Modal and temporal logics for security. Distribute logics. Branching a linear temporal logics. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
modal and temporal logics Proof theoretical analysis of modal and temporal logics. Modal and temporal logics for security. Distribute logics. Branching a linear temporal logics. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
proof theory, Linear logic, Type theory Sequent calculi for modal, linear and temporal logics. Natural deduction systems for modal, linear and temporal logics. Labelled deductive systems. Type systems for CPS. Proof nets for linear and classical logics. Deductive systems for quantum computability. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
proof theory, Linear logic, Type theory Sequent calculi for modal, linear and temporal logics. Natural deduction systems for modal, linear and temporal logics. Labelled deductive systems. Type systems for CPS. Proof nets for linear and classical logics. Deductive systems for quantum computability. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
proof theory, Linear logic, Type theory Sequent calculi for modal, linear and temporal logics. Natural deduction systems for modal, linear and temporal logics. Labelled deductive systems. Type systems for CPS. Proof nets for linear and classical logics. Deductive systems for quantum computability. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Quantum computation theory Quantum lambda calculi. Topological quantum computing. Quantum computational complexity. Theory of quantum computable functions. Quantum theory of interaction. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Models of computation
Quantum computation theory Quantum lambda calculi. Topological quantum computing. Quantum computational complexity. Theory of quantum computable functions. Quantum theory of interaction. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
Models of computation
Quantum computation theory Quantum lambda calculi. Topological quantum computing. Quantum computational complexity. Theory of quantum computable functions. Quantum theory of interaction. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Models of computation
Semantics of Probabilistic Languages Construction of operational and denotational semantics via linear and abstract algebras. Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Semantics and reasoning
Semantics of Probabilistic Languages Construction of operational and denotational semantics via linear and abstract algebras. Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
Semantics and reasoning
Semantics of Probabilistic Languages Construction of operational and denotational semantics via linear and abstract algebras. Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Semantics and reasoning
Teoria della dimostrazione e teoria dei tipi Sistemi deduttivi e di tipo basati su logiche costruttive e sulla logica lineare Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Logic
Formal languages and automata theory
Teoria della dimostrazione e teoria dei tipi Sistemi deduttivi e di tipo basati su logiche costruttive e sulla logica lineare Algorithms, Logic, and Theory of Computing
Formal languages and automata theory
Teoria della dimostrazione e teoria dei tipi Sistemi deduttivi e di tipo basati su logiche costruttive e sulla logica lineare Software Engineering and Formal Verification
Formal languages and automata theory


Department facilities
