Topic | Research area |
Static Analysis |
Ingegneria del Software e Verifica Formale
Software organization and properties |
Static program analysis |
Ingegneria del Software e Verifica Formale
Automated static analysis |
Formal software and application security |
Sicurezza informatica
Software and application security |
Blockchain and smart contracts |
Ingegneria del Software e Verifica Formale
Software creation and management |
Formal models of computation |
Ingegneria del Software e Verifica Formale
Models of computation |
Probabilistic Analysis of Security |
Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security |
Code protection |
Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security |
Program semantics |
Ingegneria del Software e Verifica Formale
Semantics and reasoning |
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