Areas – Theory of computation

Theory of computation   standard compliant  ACM 2012

Design and analysis of algorithms
Algoritmi su stringhe - Progettazione e analisi algoritmi per grafi
Formal languages and automata theory
Teoria della dimostrazione e teoria dei tipi
Lambda Calculus - Logiche non classiche (intuizionista, lineare, modale, temporale) - modal and temporal logics - proof theory, Linear logic, Type theory - Verifica del software
Models of computation
Computability - Lambda Calculus - Modelli per sistemi ibridi - Modelli stocastici concorrenti - Models for concurrent, distributed, and mobile systems - Quantum computation theory - Topological Quantum Computation
Semantics and reasoning
Semantica di programmi - Semantics of concurrent, distributed, and mobile systems - Semantics of Probabilistic Languages


Research facilities
