Research groups

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The group conducts research in Artificial Intelligence, including Automated Reasoning, Search Algorithms, Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, and their applications.
Nicola Assolini
PhD student
Alberto Castellini
Associate Professor
Matteo Cristani
Associate Professor
Claudio Tomazzoli
Temporary Assistant Professor
Topic Research area
Active learning Intelligenza Artificiale
Machine learning
Intelligent Agents Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Intelligent agents Intelligenza Artificiale
Distributed artificial intelligence
AI & robotics Intelligenza Artificiale
Planning and scheduling
Algorithms for Bioinformatics Bioinformatica e informatica medica
Life and medical sciences
Unsupervised learning Intelligenza Artificiale
Machine learning
Reinforcement learning Intelligenza Artificiale
Machine learning
Supervised learning Intelligenza Artificiale
Machine learning
Deep learning Intelligenza Artificiale
Machine learning
Formal methods and theory of security Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security
Explainable artificial intelligence Intelligenza Artificiale
Machine learning
Network security Sicurezza informatica
Network security
NLP and LLM Intelligenza Artificiale
Natural language processing
Planning under uncertainty Intelligenza Artificiale
Planning and scheduling
Multi-agent planning Intelligenza Artificiale
Planning and scheduling
Neurosymbolic planning Intelligenza Artificiale
Planning and scheduling
Process control systems Sistemi informativi ed analisi dei dati
Information systems applications
Automated Reasoning Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Automated reasoning Intelligenza Artificiale
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Rappresentazione della conoscenza Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Knowledge representation Intelligenza Artificiale
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Multiagent Systems Intelligenza Artificiale
Artificial intelligence
Multi agent systems Intelligenza Artificiale
Distributed artificial intelligence
Formal software verification Ingegneria del Software e Verifica Formale
Formal software verification
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
COREWOOD - Riposizionamento competitivo del la filiera del legno Franco Fummi Regione del Veneto Nov 7, 2017 36
GHOTEM - Global House Thermal & Electrical Energy Management Franco Fummi Regione del Veneto Nov 7, 2017 36
INTCATCH- Development and application of Novel, Integrated Tools for monitoring and managing Catchments Alessandro Farinelli Unione Europea Jun 1, 2016 44
Integrating automated reasoning in model checking: towards push-button formal verification of large-scale and infinite-state systems - Design and integration of proof engines for program analysis Maria Paola Bonacina Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Sep 22, 2008 24
EXPO-AGRI - EXtra-field Plant Observation for monitoring and forecast of agricultural infections - Joint Projects 2015 Davide Quaglia Agricontrol snc di Balbo e Secco, Ateneo, Centro di sperimentazione e assistenza agricola - CERSAA Feb 1, 2016 24
Rich-model toolkit: an infrastructure for reliable computer systems Maria Paola Bonacina Unione Europea Oct 30, 2009 48
Study and development of machine learning techniques for data prediction. Alessandro Farinelli, Luca Di Persio Terranova s.r.l. Oct 22, 2019 12
Support for data acquisition, management and analysis in the context of "smart-land" applications Alessandro Farinelli Smartea s.r.l. Jan 27, 2020 12


Research facilities
