Network Syntesis for Industry 4.0

Speaker:  Enrico Fraccaroli, Davide Quaglia - Università di Verona - Dip. Informatica
  Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 2:00 PM
This workshop provides an introduction to the concept of network synthesis, an automatic flow that starts from a high-level specification of a distributed embedded system and finds an actual description of its communication infrastructure.
The main aspects that define the `network synthesis` are a 1) formal description of the network requirements, and 2) the implementation of the synthesis process. The formal description of the network requirements is (and must be) agnostic of the actual implementation of the synthesis process. Its aim is to provide a general representation for network requirements, that can fit most of the modern network designs. The actual implementation of the synthesis process aims at the optimal realization of the network and is formalized as a MILP problem. The synthesis can target different project dimensions, like, energy consumption, network error rate, economic cost. The workshop will first introduce the general formalism, and then it will present the synthesis implementation. The ideas presented in this workshop can be easily applied to a variety of projects which are not necessarily related to network architectures.

Link alla registrazione del workshop:

Programme Director
Franco Fummi

External reference
Publication date
May 27, 2021

