Rating Score Quest Hackathon

  Monday, November 13, 2023

The Rating Score Quest is a university workshop organized by the Department of Computer

Science in collaboration with Open Data Playground, which will take place on
November 13, 2023, from 15:30 (CET) to 18:30 (CET) in person.
The event will be sponsored by Banca CF+, one of the major players in the credit sector. The
bank is also the data provider for the challenge. In fact, the rating score model that you can
play with and hone your skills on has been developed by the event's sponsor.
How to participate?
You can already pre-register on Eventbrite through this link:


Remember to include your master's degree information when requested🙂
For any doubts, needs or requests you can enter the Open Data Playground Discord server
Once the maximum limit of 30 participants is reached, interdisciplinary teams of 3 people will
be created by the organisation, and they will be able to register for the challenge on Open Data Playground!
Programme Director
Luca Di Persio

Luca Di Persio

External reference
Aldo Razzino

Computer Science


Department facilities
