REVIVAL - REstoration of the VIcentini archive in Verona and its accessibility as an Audio e-Library

Starting date
November 1, 2008
Duration (months)
Computer Science
Managers or local contacts
Fontana Federico
Signal processing, Relational databases and XML, Cultural heritage, Audio documents preservation, Audio restoration

A joint cooperation with the Fondazione Arena di Verona is proposed through the scientific support of Eye-Tech, to establish a HW/SW platform aiming at:
  • preserving
  • restoring
  • cataloguing
the audio documents stored in the Vicentini archive in Verona. The AES and IASA international protocols for preservation will be customized to the needs of this archive, and audio restoration will be implemented through a software combining state-of-the-art de-noise algorithms with novel audio processing techniques. This software will be validated over a selected set of audio documents, meanwhile representative of the characteristics and preservation state of the entire archive. In parallel, a uniform representation of the contextual information will be defined together with a database design for the storing and managing of the metadata coming along with these documents. The project outcome will be inherited by the archive for restoration and exploitation programmes beyond this project.


Fondazione Arena di Verona
Funds: assigned and managed by the department
Syllabus: Joint Projects 2008


Research facilities
