Research groups


Logica è lo studio dell'interazione tra sintassi (linguaggi e calcoli formali) e semantica (interpretazioni e modelli) com'è fondamentale sia per la matematica astratta sia per l'informatica teorica.

Logic is the study of syntax (formal languages and calculi) and semantics (structures and models) in their interaction, as it is fundamental both for abstract mathematics and for theoretical computer science.


Matteo Cristani
Associate Professor
Giulio Fellin
Research Assistants
Andrea Masini
Full Professor
Peter Michael Schuster
Full Professor
Margherita Zorzi
Associate Professor
Alessandra Di Pierro
Associate Professor
Ruggero Ferro
Research Assistants
Pietro Sala
Associate Professor
Ihsen Yengui
Research Assistants
External components
Giulio Fellin
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Topic Research area
Intelligent agents Intelligenza Artificiale
Distributed artificial intelligence
Computability Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Temporal data mining Sistemi informativi ed analisi dei dati
Data Mining
Decidability, Model Checking and Synthesis from Interval Temporal Logic Specifications Algoritmi, Logica e teoria della computazione
Computer science
Formal methods and theory of security Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security
General logic Algebra, Geometria e Logica Matematica
Mathematical logic and foundations
Hilbert's Programme for Abstract Mathematics Algebra, Geometria e Logica Matematica
Mathematical logic and foundations
Lambda Calculus Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Lambda Calculus Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
modal and temporal logics Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Temporal BPMN Models Sistemi informativi ed analisi dei dati
Data management systems
Network security Sicurezza informatica
Network security
NLP and LLM Intelligenza Artificiale
Natural language processing
Probabilistic Analysis of Security Sicurezza informatica
Formal methods and theory of security
Process control systems Sistemi informativi ed analisi dei dati
Information systems applications
Quantum computation theory Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Quantum Computing Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Models of computation
Quantum machine learning and optimization Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Theory and algorithms for application domains
Automated reasoning Intelligenza Artificiale
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Knowledge representation Intelligenza Artificiale
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Semantics of Probabilistic Languages Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Semantics and reasoning
Multi agent systems Intelligenza Artificiale
Distributed artificial intelligence
Static Analysis Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Semantics and reasoning
Proof theory and constructive mathematics Algebra, Geometria e Logica Matematica
Mathematical logic and foundations
Teoria della dimostrazione e teoria dei tipi Ingegneria del Software e verifica formale
Formal languages and automata theory
Proof theory, Linear logic, Type theory Algebra, Geometria e Logica Matematica
General logic


Research facilities
