Combinatorial Strategies for Modern Biology [2 ECTS, MAT/03]

Relatore:  Margherita Maria Ferrari - University of South Florida
  lunedì 26 aprile 2021

The purpose of these lectures is twofold. On one hand, we want to highlight how classical notions in combinatorics are applied to advance our understanding of biological/chemical processes. On the other hand, we want to show that such processes lead to new mathematical objects and drive new areas of research.

We will give the biological background for DNA self-assembly and DNA recombination processes, as well as RNA structure formation. We will provide the combinatorial tools, mainly graph-theoretic approaches, to model and analyze such problems, and discuss some open questions related to these models.

April 26th: upload recorded lectures (8 hours). May 13 and May 14 at 4pm ( live lectures )

Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo

Referente esterno
Data pubblicazione
21 ottobre 2019

Offerta formativa
