Information Theory (2007/2008)

Course partially running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Vincenzo Manca
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Other available courses
Academic sector
Language of instruction
2° Q dal Jan 10, 2008 al Mar 12, 2008.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

Course objective is to present fundamentals of information and communication theory, and in particular, encoding, compression, entropy, transmission, transduction, security, and algorithmic complexity.


1. Encoding
1.1. Introduction.
1.2. Information, information measures, and entropy.
1.3. Types of codes and main characteristics.
1.4. Information sources and optimal codes..

2. Compression
2.1. Kraft Norm and McMillan Theorem.
2.2. Huffman, LZ, Arithmetic, Shannon-Fano, Burrow-Weeler.
2.3. First Shannon Theorem.

3. Entropy
3.1. Types of entropy and their relationships.
3.2. Information Distance and Mutual Information.
3.2. Stocastic and e marcoviane sources.

4. Tipicality
4.1. Typical Sequences and AEP (Asintotic Equipartition Propety).

5. Transmission
5.1. Trasmission Codes, channel capacity and transmission rate.
5.2. Second Shannon Theorem.
5.3. Hamming Codes.

6. Transduction
6.1. Continuous entropic concepts.
6.2. Sampling Theorem.
6.3. Maxwell Theorem
6.4. Third Shannon Theorem.

7. Security
7.1. Private Key Criptografy. Historical Developments and the key distribution problem.
7.2. Diffie-Hellman Protocol.
7.3. Public Key Criptografy.
7.4. Autenticazione, signature and certificate schemata.
Bennet-Brassard Protocol.

7. Complessity
8.1. Kolmogorov-Chaitin algorithmic complexity.
8.2. Random strings and elegant programs.
8.3. Chaitin Elegance Theorem.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral Examination
