Research and modelling seminar: PDEs reaction-diffusion in population dynamics

Research and modelling seminar: PDEs reaction-diffusion in population dynamics

To intereseted students

Seminar Course: Research and modelling seminar

date and place: 25 January 2016, aula L, 14:00 hrs

Speakers: S. Pagliarini, G. Fiandaca, V. Mazzi (master degree in math, Verona)

PDEs reaction-diffusion in population dynamics

"In this talk we present an interesting problem in evolutionary biology to investigate how a population adapts to environment and how a population evolves under
effects of natural selection and hereditary phenotypic modifications. We are going to consider an asexual population, in which individuals can die because of
competition for limited resources and undergo epimutations. Some numerical simulations and the deduced biological considerations will be shown."

Publication date
Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 8:26:44 AM
Last Modified
Thursday, July 7, 2016- 8:53:54 AM
Research and modelling seminar: PDEs reaction-diffusion in population dynamics
Published by
Marco Caliari
Methods for applied mathematics (seminar course) (2015/2016)
Research and modelling seminar (seminar course) (2015/2016)
Master's degree in Mathematics