Extra slots Mathematical Logic November & December

Extra slots Mathematical Logic November & December

In addition to its regular slots, the course Mathematical Logic will be held also in the following extra slots:

Friday 13th November, 8.45-11.00, Aula M
Monday 16th November, 9.30-11.30, Aula M
Monday 23rd November, 11.30-13.30, Aula M
Friday 11th December, 8.45-11.00, Aula M

These extra slots are now confirmed. Please note also the following changes (with reasons):

Wednesday 18th November this course will be held 12.30-13.30 only (Assemblea studentesca).  
Wednesday 2nd December this course will be suspended (Inaugurazione dell'anno accademico).
Tuesday 8th December is public holiday (Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria).
Data pubblicazione
martedì 10 novembre 2015 - 19.38.35
ultima modifica
mercoledì 11 novembre 2015- 16.41.21
Extra slots Mathematical Logic November & December
Pubblicato da
Peter Michael Schuster
Logica (2015/2016)
Mathematical logic (2015/2016)