results of second partial exam of 17/6/15 (Algoritmi di Bioinformatica LM9)

results of second partial exam of 17/6/15 (Algoritmi di Bioinformatica LM9)

Below are the results of the second partial exam on 17/6/15 (only short version). Students can look at their exams and ask questions on Thursday 9/7 10:00-12:00 or Friday 10/7 10:00-11:00, or else next week by appointment. Those students who have completed both Algoritmi and Linguaggi will receive an email with the complete grade (voto). 

Matricola        punti (60+3) voto
VR358125       40                 20
VR384044       42                 21
VR385003                            assente
VR386161       29                 /
VR386657       51                 26
VR386707       59                 30
VR387081       45                 23
VR387621       58                 29
VR387959       23                 /
VR388490       51                 26
VR388842       59                 30
VR388962       53                 27
VR389401       52                 26
VR389572                            assente
VR389832       40                 20
VR391263       47                 24
VR391908       38                 19
VR391962       58                 29
VR392711       55                 28
VR392735       40                 20
VR392806                             assente
VR393694       33                 /
VR393803       23                 /
VR393971       58                 29
VR394151       44                 22
VR394197       60                 30
VR394233       55                 28
VR394501       59                 30
Data pubblicazione
mercoledì 8 luglio 2015 - 22.19.42
results of second partial exam of 17/6/15 (Algoritmi di Bioinformatica LM9)
Pubblicato da
Zsuzsanna Liptak
Algoritmi e linguaggi per bioinformatica - ALGORITMI PER BIOINFORMATICA (2014/2015)