Introductory lecture on Scientific Computing

Introductory lecture on Scientific Computing

On Thursday, April 16th, in the meeting room of the second floor, from 15.30 to 17.30, I will give an introductory lecture to the minicourse by Prof. A. Ostermann Advanced Methods for ODEs.
It is a useful, not mandatory, introduction to matrix functions and FFT in Matlab.
The lecture notes are already available on my web page.

Marco Caliari
Data pubblicazione
giovedì 9 aprile 2015 - 13.53.24
ultima modifica
venerdì 10 aprile 2015- 10.40.22
Introductory lecture on Scientific Computing
Pubblicato da
Marco Caliari
Scientific computing (seminar course) (2014/2015)
Dottorato Interateneo in Matematica
Laurea magistrale in Mathematics